
November 24-26, 2017: 27th Annual Panhellenic Physiotherapy Scientific Conference. “Physiotherapy in Europe. An Autonomous Clinical Approach” Athens. Lixeka Evangelia, Paras George, Sakellari Vasiliki, Lampropoulou Sophia, Tabaki Sophia. “The effect of therapeutic climbing on the gross motor function of children and adolescents with hemiplegia”. Awarded as the best poster of the Conference.

September 1-2, 2018: 8th Conference of the Hellenic Society of Biomechanics, ELEMBIO, Thessaloniki. “The effectiveness of an exercise program based on motor learning principles in the correction of anterior projection of the head – a randomized clinical study” Argyrou S., Dimitriadis Z., Kapreli E. The paper was awarded as the best oral presentation of a postgraduate student.

April 12-14, 2019: 33rd Conference of the Hellenic Scientific Society of Physiotherapy, EEEF, Athens. “Cross-cultural adaptation in the Greek language of the CSI central awareness questionnaire” Bilika P., Georgoudis G., Neblett R., Strimpakos N., Kapreli E. The paper was awarded as the best oral presentation of a postgraduate student.

April 12-14, 2019: 33rd Conference of the Hellenic Scientific Society of Physiotherapy, EEEF, Athens. “Response of the respiratory, cardiac and metabolic parameters during the contraction of the quadriceps muscle through HNME and voluntary contraction. Prospective pilot study” Papafilippou E., Karagounis A., Spanos S., Kortianou E. The paper was awarded as the best free presentation.

December 30-1, 2019: 29th Annual Panhellenic Scientific Conference, PSF, Athens. “The investigation of the relationship between symptoms of central sensitization and cognitive behavioral factors in people with chronic shoulder pain” Bilika P., Fandridis E, Nijs J., Strimpakos N., Kapreli E. The research was awarded as the best study of the conference (Tsakoniatis prize).

December 2020: 34th Conference of the Hellenic Scientific Society of Physiotherapy, Online. “Barriers and motivations for green exercise as a means of preventing and treating chronic non-communicable diseases: GreenHealthWalks Project”. Vourazanis E., Argyrou S., Pepera G., Strimpakos N., Bilika P., Kapreli E. The study was awarded as the best oral presentation of the conference.

December 2021: 35th Scientific Conference of the Hellenic Scientific Society of Physiotherapy (EEEF). “Tele-assessment of functional capacity through the six-minute walk test in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: Validity and repeat-measurement reliability”. Karanasiou E., Bliouba H., Antoniou V., Kalatzis K., Lanaras L., Pepera G. The study was awarded as the best free presentation of the conference

October 6-8, 2022: 2nd European Pediatric Physiotherapy Congress (EUPPT) in Florence, Italy. “Agreement between remote and face-to-face assessment using Timed Up and Go and five times Sit to Stand tests in children with cerebral palsy”. Kehagia Georgia, Kortianou Eleni. Third Prize for poster presentation of the conference.

March 10-12, 2023: 1st Panhellenic Conference of Physical Therapy Students, Department of Physical Therapy, University of Thessaly, Lamia. Research paper titled: “Correlation of cardiorespiratory capacity with the cardiometabolic profile in young school-age basketball players.” Elena Karagianni, Alexander Stogilkovich, Stefania Alexiou, George Pougiatsis, Garyfallia Pepera (2023). The paper received the 1st Prize for Best Master’s Thesis.

October 7, 2023: European Network of Physiotherapy in Higher Education (ENPHE) Conference, Prague, Czech Republic. Research paper titled ‘Modeling the associations of cardiorespiratory fitness and handgrip strength with cardiometabolic profile and sedentary behavior in adolescent basketball players’ by Karagianni E, Stojilkovits A, Pepera G. The research paper received the 1st prize for the best master’s thesis in Europe at the ENPHE competition.