

Central Webmail Service: https://webmail.uth.gr

Webmail site: https://it.uth.gr/services/email

e-Gram (electronic secretariat)

To access the website of the Electronic Secretariat from Computers outside the UTH Network, you must install and use the OpenVPN application. Information and installation instructions for using OpenVPN can be found on the website of the Telematics Network Center.

ACCESS to the NEW e-Gram service (UniTron)

E-CLASS – (e-learning platform)

The GUNet2 e-Class platform is a complete Course Management System that supports Asynchronous e-Learning Services via a simple web browser. Its goal is the incorporation and constructive use of the Internet and web technologies in the teaching and learning process. It supports the electronic management, storage and presentation of teaching materials, independently of the spatial and time limiting factors of conventional teaching and creating the necessary conditions for a dynamic teaching environment. Main access: https://eclass.uth.gr.

Technical Support: http://www.lib.uth.gr/LWS/el/is/eclass.asp, E-mail: eclasshelp@uth.gr


As of 24/09/2012, undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral students of all Universities and Technological Institutions of the country can apply online for a new academic identity card.

Academic Identity Card Online Service: http://academicid.minedu.gov.gr